Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dear God... I wish it wasn't true

I look at myself in the mirror and I see you
No matter the amount of time goes by
You’re still a part of me and I wish
dear god... I wish it wasn’t true

Doing what I got to do
Speeding past you on the road
Taking back the shot with you in my ear and your eyes are on me in the bar
Sometimes it’s like there’s no escaping you

Seeing your new love and wanting to be happy for the two of you
yet, I’m only human and the good in my heart spoils faster then I wish it would

I wish I could blame this on the deep red in this here cup,
but if you were to read this... you knew it’d be true

It’s possible it’s only this idea of what I’d always wished you were
what I built you up to be
what I believe you envisioned us becoming

It’s possible it’s this cloud of loneliness that I never was able to outrun
even when your body was my pillow, your arms yearning to show me security
your eyes telling me you were here, this was now...

I made loving me damn near impossible
The loneliness that I thought was the way to play the game,
is a demon I can’t seem to cleanse myself from

It’s possible that I still love you,
yet I no longer know me,
so how could I recognize a feeling that I found a way not to feel
That I sinned against, in order to become unworthy of what a blessing it was

You’re still a part of me and I wish
dear God... I wish it wasn’t true

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


talking to myself through reactions to others thoughts
the beats that speak more then the words

lost in my own mind
clarity through the evidence I’m finiding

the reactions to others thoughts