Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I hate
and I’m becoming bitter
and I’m being this bitch I never imagined
that I dreamed about
and I play this keyboard like a piano
this is my music
these words are my everything
this pain is my melody
you’re gonna love it
I want a standing ovation
I’m being so vulnerable
If I could sing this, you would feel the chills
If I could sing and reach you with notes, instead of hit you with the honesty of my words
maybe the world would understand
music is so universal
it starts out as just words
just like this
just like me
i just wanna be heard
and heard
and understood
I don’t give a fuck if you agree
just react
get over yourself
how some have treated me
abadoned me
let me go
judged me
took advantage
i’m at a breaking point
and the only person that will hear me
that will feel the pain that i need to let out
is me
my skin
my blood oozes for all you bitches
for all of you who are heartless, that just assumed you knew who i was
and took my smile through the bull shit as strength
strength that you had the nerve to say "inspired" you
strength that was proof that you could do whatever the fuck you felt like
another advantage you had on me
strength that meant you could remain the selfish, ignorant human that you will always be
and i would be ok
well you were wrong
you’re killing me
i’m killing me
this blade could kill me
another sip could kill me
and i wish i cared
cause my life is so promising
cause i’m just at the beginning


you feel them now?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Because you're gonna talk your shit either way

I've never claimed to be the girl that wasn’t going to make mistakes
or use sarcasm
inappropriate language
and whatever the fuck else you wanna refer to
to mask my pain

If I’m not meeting your expectations
well you go second to myself
so get the fuck in line

the day
if ever
that I claim I got my shit together,
and I know what direction I’m headed

the day
if ever
that I feel good enough being me
when breathing becomes easier
and you still wanna fight for attention
and you still ain't satisfied with me in your life
as a person
as a woman
whatever the fuck else you wanna refer to,
well then maybe


I’ll put you first

otherwise I’m done


done putting others before myself cause you know where that got me
it got me unhappy with myself
it hasn’t got me anywhere with people I tried to please

so fuck it
and fuck you

is that enough maturity for you?
or how about enough attention?
If I cared,
I’d ask for you to let me know

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Exit

Just another night
The same fight
The thought crossed my mind, like so many others I try to shake off and avoid
The thoughts that are twisted
The evidence of the two sides of me I can’t seem to keep straight
Well, This night
The “other,” got the best of me

Slicing the cheese
Just wanted a snack
You see, Food and alcohol usually suffices
Watching the slice of the cheese
I looked down at my skin, something excited me
To feel all the pain physically
Maybe I could breath easier
Maybe it would make more sense
Maybe this would fight the cloud away,
show that bitch that I’m crazier then she is

I switched from the cheese
to my wrist
I held the blade there for a second, pressed down a little harder...
Am I doing this?
It already feels nice
It’s cold
and hard

It’s okay

Deep breath
let it slide

Sliding across my skin I felt my adrenaline kick in
I smiled to myself
Feels good
Feels right
Just a quick second and
suddenly the pain deep down has a place to exit through
A mark to support it’s craziness

Suddenly there were 4 exits
I wanted all the pain gone,
to be free

I wanted to be free

no longer a slave to the depression
the cloud
the madness I hold inside

Little did I know that I would be throwing her a party through these actions
She got another victory
Each night now, she takes a shot and celebrates

On the bad nights, I get her fuuuucked up

Now the exits mark up my skin
I don’t know if there will ever be enough
If the pain and anxiety within gets the point of them
If they can find their way out

All I can do is make more
you know, show them the way


Just exit

I’m not crazy
it makes sense
it’s all been within me and it was getting worse because everything was closed up

I rock back and forth now
Fighting the reach to my drawer where the blade just waits
While the bitch insides gets all dressed up for another night of partying

I’m making my exit from myself even further away
I’m getting lost in this maze

Maybe there never was an exit
I’m starting to think there never will be

but if you find the exit sign,
please help me

Morning Routine

I look down and I see the dried blood
The cat like scratches
Too many in a row?

I look around
I see the stares

They’re thinking: too many in a row


I scare myself but I see the stares at my wrist
then up at me
I look the other way

I forgot to put the band aids on this morning
Another morning I struggled to get out of bed
With tears in my eyes and the demons screaming
I got up

The hot water
Too hot?

The hot water turning my skin red
Deep breath, just ignore what they’re saying

Fuck one day at a time
It’s more like one second at a time.
Every second fighting the urge to call it a day after only 30 minutes of being out of bed

Let the tears fall
Let the anxiety roll on by
We all have our morning routines

Thursday, May 2, 2013

too real, too quick

too real too quick
long time coming but never thought this would be


me someone that is a pain to see
to look in the mirror
into my eyes that bleed


my skin bleeds now
too real
too quick
long time coming
but never wanted to bleed


literally feeling the pain that is hard to express within me

read all about it

my life
my pain