Sunday, January 5, 2014

Running on E

The pain never subsides
Tricks in the book
Google and read to relate
The scars never fade fast enough
And the reminders haunt and eat away
My soul
Torn between the voices and the sickness and the me I was,
That I want to be
A daily process
A daily struggle 
Gain some
Lose more
Always feeling in the negative 
Running on e
Don't gas me
It won't work
Trust me
Fueling up
Falling down
Story of my life
Tune ups on the weekly
Breaking down anyway
Worth decreasing
Not feeling worth it anymore
Lost my value
Nickel and diming all my loved ones
I'm difficult
Not an easy one
So mean
When it's just me
Tune ups on the weekly
Breaking down anyway 
Running on e

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Why do I allow my worth to be judged by others
Any decrease in invites and or feeling like my effort is much then others I assume I am a bother and it eats away at me
Chewing me up
Spitting me up
Until I'm not what they need anymore
Till something or someone comes around that's better
I have always felt second best
Never a first choice
Easily dropped
What's wrong with me ?

2014, here we go!

It's the new year and I am being asked constantly what my goals are...
I guess I'm hesitant to make goals and resolutions because i don't want to let myself down and feel like a failure. 

Those feelings happen enough as it is. 

However I do want to continue to take the steps toward improved self health. I started on my improvements late in 2013 that I feel much of them are carrying over to this year, and I am more than okay with that. I have a lot I'm confronting and a lot to work through while, in the mean time, life doesn't stop.

I am looking back on 2013 and reflecting. No regrets. Definite lessons learned and some activities I am definetly tired of lol which feels nice to feel that way about certain things.

Writing more is one goal I will make, because it is so good for me and a passion. So here's my first step toward that. Not a creative piece but honest, and that's a theme I plan to keep.

Happy New Year xoxo

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My debt

About 3.5 years ago I started this blog... I think that is when I began to feel this fear that things were about to get worse inside my own head.

I have had a lot of push back lately, to say the least, from those that I never thought would judge me and or leave my side. Life is unexpected though, right? At least, that's what I have wrote about quite a bit throughout the years.

As the push back has occurred, I have been torn apart and spiraled down further then I could have ever imagined.  I then began receiving advice from others that maybe me being such an "open book," isn't a good idea... Maybe they're right... I do share a lot. I leave a lot up for interpretation, and a wise teacher once told me, "perception is reality." I can't change what those that read my writings, see pictures, pass by a status update, etc. perceive in their mind and then form from there. Whether that's forming a story to spread, an opinion to have, or an image of me they wish to not forget. I am not perfect, I have never claimed to be. I do not have that mentality or attitude to brag about myself. The times that I do, I feel more vulnerable about then when I share my pain and my suffering. 

Another thing that is not apart of my character  is being private. I have found that those willing to share and be an open book with me, have kept me alive. They have helped me; possibly more than they were ever aware of.
So, I guess what I'm saying is I can't stop being an open book. One day I hope to write a book, not to say I have had the most life experience to share or pain that I want people to read and feel sympathy for me...never that. However, I have been through more than a lot, and thank God for that. Another part of life I have been grateful for is that everyone are dealt different hands... If this was the hand that God, or some higher power, the universe felt that I could handle, then OK. I have "handled" the cards in my life in a lot of ways. Everything comes with consequences. Consequences, not always meaning negative. So maybe a better phrase for how I'm feeling is everything in life, comes with a price.

I will say I have paid a price, some cheaper than others. Right now I am in a part of my life where I'm balancing my life checkbook haha... trying to figure out how I got to feeling so in debt. In debt with myself. I have ripped myself off. That's how I feel. In this process of reflecting back on prices that were paid I am understanding my debt, and find the best ways to consolidate and get back on track... I underestimate the wealth, I believe, I have earned. A wealth that I have not yet been given, the inheritance is on it's way. First, I have to understand.

What I'm saying is I know how to handle being in debt and not having a lot to work with. I am grateful for that. I am grateful that I don't take wealth for granted. I have been without love and been abandoned on more than one occasion. I have been without guidance, and paved my own path. Again, not perfectly and again with a price I have paid and continue to. But, I have encountered some in my life who may not have been able to push aside the abandonment, find an outlet to keep going, and or be willing to take a road less or never traveled by. I was given strength; I realize that now. I was dealt this hand, not on accident, everything happens for a reason. Never, would I want a hand similar to mine, or worse, dealt to those without the strength. Those are my fallen comrades, and I grieve for them. I will get better for them, stay strong for them, and continue to pave a path to help others, because everyone deserves a legacy. Everyone has different skills to offer, help support, guide and love through fears.

Unfortunately I am not on the other side of my debt and I still have bills to pay, but I have made the decision to do better. To feel better. To live better. All in time. 

My fears are real. I am scared, really scared. I don't fear others, as much as I fear myself, and that is the biggest price I am paying.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

An Open Book

You look for the words of others to express what sits below the surface
To find the words, to not feel alone
Security in the connection of pain, a pain that so many don't don't dare to hold once you've stripped down, standing, baring all...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vulnerable hours

I hang up the phone
eyes red from the tears
and numb from my self meds

The truth that flows out of my mouth in those moments

at my most vulnerable
at my most honest

they scare me...
the most

I do a lot of harm
I know it
I hide it

My self meds bring it all out
There's no hiding my true colors in those wee hours of the morning
or those late nights where I still sit awake
Glass in hand
Headed to the car for the inhales

All to be numb
All to feel gone

All in those vulnerable hours
those wee hours of the morning
or those late nights

All to be numb
All to feel gone

If you never would've said anything...

With all the change
You remain
It drives me crazy

You never seem to be erased
Never fully gone

I yearn for peace
I try to do what's right

The pain is too much

Always seeking relief

Relief that is never satisfying

Relief that only does more harm

I'm a mess
I'm confused

But I hide it all so well

"If you never would've said anything, I never would've known..."